IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions

The IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions can belong to one of the following four types:

1. People: The IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue cards might ask you to describe a friend, family member, relative, or casual acquaintance having a particular characteristic. IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions may include talking about your best friend, your favorite cousin, a funny colleague, a classmate who is good at sports, somebody you know who has started a business, etc. Sometimes, questions could be about people you may have known from the media, such as a famous businessperson, an actor, a singer you would like to meet, or a politician.

2. Objects/Things: In Part 2, you may also be asked to describe an item from your life. It could be your mobile phone, your favorite pair of shoes, your bedroom, a gift that you received, your dream vehicle, and so on.

3. Places: IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions asking you to describe places you have visited are very common in the test. For example, a restaurant you often go to, a park near your house, your dream holiday destination, a village you have been to, a very cold place you have been to, a river you have seen, etc.

4. Memories/Events: Most of the times, you will be asked to talk about an incident that had occurred to you. IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions like these include a memorable trip, a birthday party you have attended, a funny memory, a meeting, a time when you were sick, and so forth.

girls posing for picture in front of sunflowers

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards: People

Describe an actor you would like to meet.
You should say:
• who the actor is
• what kinds of films he or she has acted in
• what you know about his or her life
and explain what you would like to talk about with this actor.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a friend of your family.
You should say:
• who the person is
• how your family knows this person
• how often you see him or her
and explain what you like about this person.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a person who has been very influential in your life.
You should say:
• who this person is
• how this person has influenced you
• why he or she was so influential
and how you feel about this person.
Describe a person you know who has made great contributions to society.
You should say:
• who the person is
• how you know him or her
• what he or she has done
and explain why his or her contribution is so great.
Describe a teacher you remember from your primary school.
You should say:
• what this teacher taught
• what the teacher looks like
• how he or she influenced you
and explain why you particularly remember this teacher.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe someone you know who has an impressive skill.
You should say:
• who the person is
• how you know this person
• what impressive skill he or she has
and explain how the person developed the skill.
Describe a well-known person from your country who is very inspiring.
You should say:
• who this person is
• what this person has done
• what you know about his or her personal life
and explain why you admire this person.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a child who you know.
You should say:
• who the child is
• how old the child is
• how often you see him or her
and explain what this child is like.
Describe a friend who has helped you a lot.
You should say:
• how you met
• how long you have known each other
• how he or she has helped you
and explain why you like this friend.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a fictional character (for example, from a story, movie, or television series) who would be fun to hang out with.
You should say:
• who the character is
• where the character is from
• what his or her personality is like
and explain why it would be interesting to meet this character in real life.
Describe your favorite family member or relative.
You should say:
• how this person is related to you
• what he or she looks like
• what type of person he or she is
and explain why you like this person.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe someone you know who is an entrepreneur.
You should say:
• who the person is
• what business this person has started
• why he or she decided to become an entrepreneur
and explain how successful this person is in his or her business.
Describe a writer whose works everyone should read.
You should say:
• who the writer is
• what books he or she has written
• what you know about this writer’s life
and explain why his writer deserves such recognition.
Describe your favorite singer or musician.
You should say:
• who the artist is
• what type of music he or she plays
• when you first heard him or her
and explain why you are a fan of this person.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 questions: Objects/Things

Describe the best meal that you have ever enjoyed.
You should say:
• what food was served
• when and where this meal took place
• who prepared the meal
and explain why you enjoyed this meal.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a website you use for work or studies.
You should say:
• what the website is
• what you use the website for
• how often you visit the website
and explain why this website is so useful for your work or studies.
Describe a film which made you think a lot.
You should say:
• which film you saw
• when you saw the film
• what the film was about
and explain why this film made such an impression on you.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe something you own which is very important to you.
You should say:
• where you got it from
• how long you have had it
• what you use it for
and explain why it is important to you.
Describe your favorite television show.
You should say:
• what type of show it is
• when and where you watch it
• what usually happens in the show
and explain why you enjoy watching this show.
breaking bad poster
Describe a wild animal you have seen.
You should say:
• what type of animal it was
• where you encountered the animal
• what happened during the encounter
and explain what you liked or didn’t like about the animal.
Describe something you would like to buy in the future.
You should say:
• what the thing is
• how long you have wanted it
• how and where you will buy it
and explain why you would like to own it.
Describe a news story in the media you found interesting.
You should say:
• when and where you read or heard the news
• what the news was
• why the story was in the news
and explain why the news story was interesting.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a song that reminds you of someone.
You should say:
• what the song is and when you first heard it
• who the person is
• how the song makes you feel
and explain why the song reminds you of that person.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.
You should say:
• what type of game or sport it is
• how often you play it
• where you play it and with whom
and explain why you enjoy playing it.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe an electronic device that is very useful to you.
You should say:
• what it is
• how long you have had it
• what you use it for
and explain how would your life be different without this device.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a book you enjoyed reading.
You should say:
• what the book was about
• who the author was
• why you read the book
and explain why you enjoyed reading this book.
Describe a room from your home.
You should say:
• which room it is
• how the room looks
• how much time you spend there
and explain what you like or do not like about this room.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a photograph that you have taken which you like a lot.
You should say:
• when and where you took the picture
• what the photograph is of
• what you did with the picture
and explain why you like this picture a lot.
Describe your favorite musical instrument.
You should say:
• what the instrument is
• when and where you first heard it
• whether you know how to play this instrument
and explain why you enjoy listening to this musical instrument.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
man playing saxophone
Describe a TV program which is suitable for all ages.
You should say:
• what the TV program is
• what things are shown in the program
• how long the program is
and explain why this is a good TV program.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 question types: Places

Describe a street or open-air market you have visited.
You should say:
• where the market is
• what products are sold there
• when you visited the market
and explain why you liked or did not like the market.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a village you have visited.
You should say:
• where it is
• when you went there
• what you did during your visit
and explain what you liked or didn’t like about that village.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a documentary you liked a lot.
You should say:
• what the documentary was about
• when and where you watched it
• why you watched the documentary
and explain why you liked the documentary so much.
Describe a shop you have visited.
You should say:
• where the shop is
• how it looks and who works there
• what kinds of products or services are sold there
and explain why you like to visit this shop.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a beautiful house you have visited.
You should say:
• whom the house belong to
• where the house is located
• what the house looks like
and explain why you think the house is beautiful.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a town or city you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
• when you visited the city or town
• what you did there
• how long you stayed there
and explain why you enjoyed the visit.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a hotel you know.
You should say:
• where the hotel is located
• what type of service this hotel has
• what the hotel looks like
and explain whether you would recommend this hotel for someone to stay in.
Describe a place with water (for example, a river, lake, or sea) you enjoyed visiting.
You should say:
• what place it is
• where it is
• what you did there
and explain why you liked the area.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a place you would like to visit in the future.
You should say:
• where it is
• why you like to go to that place
• who you would take with you
and explain what things you would do in that place.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe an interesting place in your country that you would recommend tourists visit.
You should say:
• where this place is
• why tourists should go there
• what tourists can do there
and explain why this place is so interesting.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Polonnaruwa temple complex, sri lanka
Polonnaruwa Temple Complex, Sri Lanka
Describe a restaurant you have visited recently.
You should say:
• where the restaurant is
• what you ate in the restaurant
• who you went with
and explain whether or not you enjoyed visiting the restaurant.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a place you know (for example, a park, resort, or mall) where people can have fun.
You should say:
• what the place is
• where it is located
• what people can do there
and explain why this place is so fun.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 topics: Memories/Events

Describe a long journey you have taken.
You should say:
• when you took the journey
• where you went
• what you did
and explain why this journey was memorable for you.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a time when you answered questions for a survey.
You should say:
• what the survey was about
• why you participated in the survey
• what answers you gave
and explain how you felt about taking the survey.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a musical event/concert you have attended.
You should say:
• what the event was
• when and where it took place
• who you went to the event with
and explain how much you enjoyed or did not enjoy attending the event.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a meeting that you have attended.
You should say:
• when and where the meeting was held
• who the participants in the meeting were
• what things were discussed
and explain why the meeting was important.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe an occasion when you gave someone advice.
You should say:
• to whom you gave the advice
• what the advice was
• what the result of your advice was
and explain why you gave the person that advice.
Describe a time when you tried something new.
You should say:
• what you did
• when and where you did this
• why you tried it
and explain how you felt after doing it.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe your dream job.
You should say:
• what your dream job is
• why that job appeals to you
• how you would perform in that job
and explain whether it is a realistic dream.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a time you went to visit someone you know at their workplace.
You should say:
• who you visited and when
• where this person worked
• why you visited him or her
and explain how you felt about visiting this person’s workplace.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe something you do to relax.
You should say:
• what activity you do
• when and where you like to do the activity
• why you find it relaxing
and explain whether other people might find it relaxing too.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
woman doing yoga
Describe a time when you thought a lot about spending your money.
You should say:
• how much money you had
• what you wanted to do with the money
• what things you considered before spending your money
and explain what you decided to do in the end.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe the last time you went to the cinema.
You should say:
• where and with whom you went
• which movie you watched
• why you decided to see this movie
and explain whether you liked it or not and why.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a time when you were extremely bored.
You should say:
• where you were
• what you were doing
• why you felt bored
and explain what you did to end your boredom.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a competition you took part in.
You should say:
• what the competition was
• why you participated in this competition
• what the prizes were
and explain how you performed during the competition.
Describe a skill (for example, sports, dancing, cooking) you have learned.
You should say:
• which skill you have learned
• why you learned it
• how you learned it
and explain how difficult or easy it was to become good at the skill.
Describe a funny incident from your childhood.
You should say:
• when it was
• where you were and with whom
• what you were doing
and explain why this incident is memorable to you.
Describe a time when you helped someone.
You should say:
• who you helped and how
• why you helped this person
• how the person responded
and explain how you felt after helping the person.
Describe a special occasion (for example, a festival, cultural event, or celebration) from your country.
You should say:
• when the event takes place
• why it is held
• what happens during the occasion
and explain why the event is so special.
Click here for Part 3 questions for this topic.
Describe a hobby or an interest you have.
You should say:
• what it is
• how long you have been doing it
• how you became interested in it
and explain why you enjoy it.
Describe a habit that annoys you a lot.
You should say:
• what the habit is
• who does it
• why it is annoying
and explain why people should stop doing it.
Describe a moment from your life when you had to take an important decision.
You should say:
• what decision you took
• when you had to take this decision
• why you took the decision
and explain whether it was a good decision or not.
Describe a party you enjoyed going to.
You should say:
• what the party was for
• who were at the party
• what you did at the party
and explain why you enjoyed this party.
pool party
Describe an idea for improving something at your school, college, or work.
You should say:
• what the idea is
• how you came up with the idea
• how the idea can be implemented
and explain why your idea can make an improvement.
Describe a day when you were really happy.
You should say:
• when this day was and where you were
• what happened on this day
• why you were happy
and explain why you remember this day.
Describe your ideal day.
You should say:
• what type of weather this day should have
• whom you will spend the day with and where
• what you will do on this day
and explain why this would be an ideal day.

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How to talk for 2 minutes? IELTS Speaking Part 2 tips and strategies

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